Miller Lite

Sent to me from: Jose
Date: Oct 31, 2005
Drank at: Bar Abilene

My first impression of Jose (a.k.a. Joey) was when I was at a friens house at the beginning of halloween night, and he bursts through the front door (scaring the shit out of me), with poncho, sombrero and all, and starts doing some sort of jiggidy-tappity dance and singing the mexican hat dance song. An image burned into my memory probably forever.

So we were dressed up for halloween and hanging out at bar Abilene in uptown, and Joey bought me a miller light. I learned something very important that evening. When there's a beer tub by the door with hot girls selling it, it does not necessarily that there's a special promotion on that beer. If fact, it might mean that it's ridiculously expensive (I guess you pay extra for the hot girl to hand it to you). Joey had probably figured this out before me, because after I bought my $5 bottle of corona, he bought me a $2 pint of Lite. Both beers being equally skunky, I think we know what the smart choice was.

The rest of the night that followed was filled with debauchary, shenanigans and tomfoolery. My favorite costume has got to be a couple that went as Aaron Neville and his Mole, although Stuart and his mother were a close second.

It did make my night too to be walking down the street and have people lean out their car widows shouting "Hey! it's an Oompa Loompa!"